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Your SMART Program


Your SMART Program

Movement is the cornerstone of metabolic system enhancement, making it pivotal for improving your overall health. In light of this fundamental principle, OVAL created its SMART Program, a personalized movement program strategically engineered to harness the transformative power of movement. By prioritizing structured and tailored movement, the SMART Program offers you a practical and sustainable path toward achieving your health goals, empowering you to unlock potential and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Training Zones

To maximize your health, OVAL pinpoints the exact heart rate range or zone you should train in. Aiming to keep your training within a 5-7 heartbeat range, OVAL is unique to other movement programs because it leaves no room for guesswork. While other programs still use the 220-age formula, an outdated method from the 1950s, to calculate your ideal training zone, technological advancements have enabled OVAL to use biomarkers to define your optimal training zones. Because these zones are personalized to your unique physiology, training in them is the most effective way to reap the full benefit of exercise and healthier living. All you have to do is be consistent and persistent to get results.


The SMART Zone is a low-intensity training zone that has the biggest impact on your body. Typically, we recommend that you spend 80%–90% of your training time within this zone. However, because OVAL custom designs movement programs for each of its members, we’ll suggest the ideal number of minutes you should exercise in your SMART Zone each week.

SMART Zone training puts pressure on your metabolic system to burn its stored fat. As a rich energy source, fat provides twice the amount of energy as carbohydrates or sugars, giving you far greater endurance for movement.
As you follow OVAL, the health of your metabolic system improves, causing changes in your heart rate adaptations, which in turn help you to become healthier.

In a way, the health of your metabolic system is like a car engine. Car engines last longer when they’re run at low RPMs (2,500 vs. 4,500+ RPMs). Driving a car at 4,500 RPMs would result in a lot of wear and tear on its engine and seemingly constant maintenance issues. Similarly, if your metabolic system relies on carbohydrates, instead of fat, you’ll likely experience a breakdown of bodily systems, possibly suffer from chronic disease, and potentially weather numerous injuries.

If, on the other hand, you increase the health and flexibility of your metabolic system by following OVAL’s SMART Program and training within your SMART Zone, your body will learn to use its fat for a prolonged time. Then, when confronted with more strenuous activities (e.g., climbing a steep hill), it will intuitively switch to burning more carbohydrates to power through. Increasing the health of your metabolic system is key to protecting your body and maximizing your health and fitness efforts.


Your OVAL Program may also recommend interval training. Your recommended heart rate ranges for interval training will usually be set higher than your SMART Zone, with HIIT (high-intensity interval training) being the highest recommended zone and MIIT (moderate-intensity interval training) sitting just below that. Typically, OVAL recommends interval training at least once per week, but not more frequently than every other day.

It becomes necessary for your body to burn carbohydrates for fuel when performing higher-intensity activities, like running at a fast pace, lifting heavy objects, or surviving in fight or flight mode. These activities require powerful bursts of force requiring rapid access to energy that cannot be supplied and supported by fat.

Challenging your heart, by giving it opportunities to improve its pump, is important for increasing its efficiency and improving its capacity to respond and recover from stressors — physical, mental, emotional, or other. By performing interval training regularly, your nervous system also learns to adapt and assists in teaching your heart how to slow down after each challenge, allowing you to better tolerate and recover from stress.

OVAL’s interval training is designed to support your body’s health and fitness progression in a way that is challenging, yet sustainable. . The OVAL app guides you through your interval training to increase your heart rate to the goal established during the SMART Test and then recover to the SMART Zone. The rate of recovery between intervals is monitored and will alter programming, including adding more recovery time in the SMART Zone or by switching the training program to the SMART Zone, if your recovery is too slow. This allows for more flexible adaptations in the health of your metabolic system and potentially avoids overstressing an already taxed system. As you demonstrate consistent participation and effective recovery during higher-intensity training, the OVAL App will gradually add more reps while performing interval training . This allows for increased challenges to stimulate positive adaptation in fitness and health. Conversely, if your participation has decreased , OVAL may reduce your reps.


Members use Free Zone to monitor heart rates during less structured and less patterned activities, such as hiking, weight lifting, yoga, and others. Using Free Zone provides live feedback on the stress of the activity.

Walking Program

Walking is a simple and easy way to introduce movement into your lifestyle. We know that many people have never tried incorporating any activity into their daily schedules, including those who spend most of their days in front of computers or driving automobiles. Committing to walking is often the best first step in creating a healthy movement routine.

OVAL is revolutionizing health by reinforcing the transformative power of movement. Through precision training, the program offers a practical and sustainable pathway to optimal health.

Whether starting with a simple walking program or engaging in interval training, OVAL empowers individuals to take control of their health journey and embrace a lifestyle of movement and vitality.